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Key Subjects & Topics - IBPS IBPS - PO Prelims  IBPS - PO Mains   IBPS - CLERK

The following are the sections outline for IBPS PO Prelims and Mains 2015 Examination Syllabus.

IBPS PO Syllabus - 2015

IBPS-PO Prelims Syllabus 2015



  Total Marks: 200
1. Simplifications
2. Approximate values
3. Numberseries
4. Averages
5. Percentages
6. Ratio and Proportions
7. Simple and Compound Interest
8. Profit and Loss
9. Partenership
10. Time and Work
11. Pipes and Cisterns
12. Time and Distance
13. Problems on ages
14. Allegations and Mixtures
15. Data Interpretation
16. Mensuration
1. Coding-Decoding
2. Alphanumaric Series
3. Number-Rankingtest
4. Directiontest
5. Seating arrangements
6. Problemsolving
7. Syllogism
8. Coded inequalities
(Deriving conclusions)
9. Input-Output
10. Blood Relations
11. Data Sufficiency

Part - I
1. Structure of Sentence
2. Clauses
3. Degrees of Comparison
4. Parts of Speech
5. Tenses
6. Active Voice and Passive Voice
7. Direct speech and Indirect speech
8. Rules for Correction of Errors
Part - II
1. Verb Forms
2. Preposition at a Glance
3. Adjectives at a glance
4. Synonyms and Antonyms
5. Idioms and Phrasal verbs
Practice Set
1. Correction of Errors
2. Jumbled Sentences
3. Sentence Improvement
(Fill in the blanks)
4. Cloze Test
5. Comprehensive
1. Important Days& Dates
2. Central Government Schemes in India
3. Indian census
4. Countries Capitals and Currencies
5. International Organizations& Head Quarters
6. Sates & Capitals
7. Books And Authors
8. Committees & Commissions in India
9. Sports Terms & Trophies
10. List Of Major Stock Indexes
11. Banking Awareness
12. Banking Short puts
13. List of Abbreviations
14. Practice Bits
15. Practice Bits key
1. Fundamentals of computers
2. Input System
3. Output System
4. Processing System
5. Computer Storage
6. Operating System
7. Data Determination
8. MS-Office
9. Networking

1. Marketing nature,
Scope and Importance
2. Marketing Environment
3. Markrting Mix Elements
4. Detailed Explanation of Marketing
Mix Elements
5. Promotion
6. Market Segmentation
7. Marketing Research
8. New product planning and development
9. Consumer buying
behavior/Decision making process
10. Branding,labeling and packing
11. Sales Forecasting and Sales
budjet Some Important
Marketing Terms

IBPS-PO Mains Syllabus 2015



  Total Marks: 200
Data Analysis and Interpretation(50)
Reasoning (High Level)(50)
Discriptive English(50)
1. Data Interpretation
2. Mensuration (2D and 3D)
3. Quadratic Equations
4. Permutation and Combination
5. Probability
1. Statements and Assumptions
2. Statements and Arguments
3. Course of Action
4. Cause and Effect
5. Evaluating Inferences
6. Conclusions
7. Deriving Conclusions from Paragraph

Part - I
1. Descriptive English
2. Letter Writing
3. Precise Writing
4. Essay Writing

IBPS Clerk Syllabus - 2015

SECTIONS (Marks)      


  Total Marks: 200
1. Simplifications
2. Approximate values
3. Numberseries
4. Averages
5. Percentages
6. Ratio and Proportions
7. Simple and Compound Interest
8. Profit and Loss
9. Partenership
10. Time and Work
11. Pipes and Cisterns
12. Time and Distance
13. Problems on ages
14. Allegations and Mixtures
15. Data Interpretation
16. Mensuration
1. Coding-Decoding
2. Alphanumaric Series
3. Number-Rankingtest
4. Directiontest
5. Seating arrangements
6. Problemsolving
7. Syllogism
8. Coded inequalities
(Deriving conclusions)
9. Input-Output
10. Blood Relations
11. Data Sufficiency

Part - I
1. Structure of Sentence
2. Clauses
3. Degrees of Comparison
4. Parts of Speech
5. Tenses
6. Active Voice and Passive Voice
7. Direct speech and Indirect speech
8. Rules for Correction of Errors
Part - II
1. Verb Forms
2. Preposition at a Glance
3. Adjectives at a glance
4. Synonyms and Antonyms
5. Idioms and Phrasal verbs
Practice Set
1. Correction of Errors
2. Jumbled Sentences
3. Sentence Improvement
(Fill in the blanks)
4. Cloze Test
5. Comprehensive
1. Important Days& Dates
2. Central Government Schemes in India
3. Indian census
4. Countries Capitals and Currencies
5. International Organizations& Head Quarters
6. Sates & Capitals
7. Books And Authors
8. Committees & Commissions in India
9. Sports Terms & Trophies
10. List Of Major Stock Indexes
11. Banking Awareness
12. Banking Short puts
13. List of Abbreviations
14. Practice Bits
15. Practice Bits key
1. Fundamentals of computers
2. Input System
3. Output System
4. Processing System
5. Computer Storage
6. Operating System
7. Data Determination
8. MS-Office
9. Networking




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