Total Marks: |
200 |
1. | Simplifications | |
2. | Approximate values | |
3. | Numberseries | |
4. | Averages | |
5. | Percentages | |
6. | Ratio and Proportions | |
7. | Simple and Compound Interest | |
8. | Profit and Loss | |
9. | Partenership | |
10. | Time and Work | |
11. | Pipes and Cisterns | |
12. | Time and Distance | |
13. | Problems on ages | |
14. | Allegations and Mixtures | |
15. | Data Interpretation | |
16. | Mensuration | |
1. | Coding-Decoding | |
2. | Alphanumaric Series | |
3. | Number-Rankingtest | |
4. | Directiontest | |
5. | Seating arrangements | |
6. | Problemsolving | |
7. | Syllogism | |
8. | Coded inequalities (Deriving conclusions) | |
9. | Input-Output | |
10. | Blood Relations | |
11. | Data Sufficiency | |
| Part - I | |
1. | Structure of Sentence | |
2. | Clauses | |
3. | Degrees of Comparison | |
4. | Parts of Speech | |
5. | Tenses | |
6. | Active Voice and Passive Voice | |
7. | Direct speech and Indirect speech | |
8. | Rules for Correction of Errors | |
| Part - II | |
1. | Verb Forms | |
2. | Preposition at a Glance | |
3. | Adjectives at a glance | |
4. | Synonyms and Antonyms | |
5. | Idioms and Phrasal verbs | |
| Practice Set | |
1. | Correction of Errors | |
2. | Jumbled Sentences | |
3. | Sentence Improvement (Fill in the blanks) | |
4. | Cloze Test | |
5. | Comprehensive | |
1. | Important Days& Dates | |
2. | Central Government Schemes in India | |
3. | Indian census | |
4. | Countries Capitals and Currencies | |
5. | International Organizations& Head Quarters | |
6. | Sates & Capitals | |
7. | Books And Authors | |
8. | Committees & Commissions in India | |
9. | Sports Terms & Trophies | |
10. | List Of Major Stock Indexes | |
11. | Banking Awareness | |
12. | Banking Short puts | |
13. | List of Abbreviations | |
14. | Practice Bits | |
15. | Practice Bits key | |
1. | Fundamentals of computers | |
2. | Input System | |
3. | Output System | |
4. | Processing System | |
5. | Computer Storage | |
6. | Operating System | |
7. | Data Determination | |
8. | MS-Office | |
9. | Networking | |
1. | Marketing nature, Scope and Importance | |
2. | Marketing Environment | |
3. | Markrting Mix Elements | |
4. | Detailed Explanation of Marketing Mix Elements | |
5. | Promotion | |
6. | Market Segmentation | |
7. | Marketing Research | |
8. | New product planning and development | |
9. | Consumer buying behavior/Decision making process | |
10. | Branding,labeling and packing | |
11. | Sales Forecasting and Sales budjet Some Important Marketing Terms | |
Total Marks: |
200 |
Data Analysis and Interpretation | (50) | |
Reasoning (High Level) | (50) | |
1. | Data Interpretation | |
2. | Mensuration (2D and 3D) | |
3. | Quadratic Equations | |
4. | Permutation and Combination | |
5. | Probability | |
1. | Statements and Assumptions | |
2. | Statements and Arguments | |
3. | Course of Action | |
4. | Cause and Effect | |
5. | Evaluating Inferences | |
6. | Conclusions | |
7. | Deriving Conclusions from Paragraph | |
| Part - I | |
1. | Descriptive English | |
2. | Letter Writing | |
3. | Precise Writing | |
4. | Essay Writing | |